You will have realised that taxes in Germany can be extremely complex. So, let me take the stress out of the process for you, so you can focus on your own business and not spend sleepless nights worrying.
I have been a passionate tax consultant for more than 20 years!
With a wide range of services, I can advise you proactively, reliably and quickly in all tax matters, as well as questions you might have about commercial law and economic and business issues.
Whether for you personally or for your company, with my many years of consulting experience, I have in-depth and extensive expertise and can offer quality-oriented tax advice for private individuals and companies in all sectors and legal forms.
For your enquiries or requests, please send me an e-mail to
or make an appointment by phone for a consultation at:
+49 (0) 173-3573675
I look forward to hearing from you!
The focus is on your individual needs!
I personally look after each client and look for solutions tailored to your individual needs.
I have found that clients appreciate proactive communication. I think that being kept in-the-loop is a really important foundation for a trusting and professional relationship.
I support you reliably and on-time with standard accounting tasks, annual financial statements and tax returns, but also in complex and time-critical decisions on restructuring, tax arrangements and business start-ups.
Due to my knowledge of foreign languages and experience in international tax law, I can offer my clients inside of Germany and abroad support with complex issues of international tax law - in accordance with German national law, the respective double taxation agreements as well as European law requirements.
Dipl.-Ing. Ök.
Claudia Seifert-Ernst
Maienfeldstraße 16
63303 Dreieich-Dreieichenhain
+49 (0) 6103 8030456,
+49 (0) 173-3573675